Kees Faber (NL), Supervisor, coach
Muriel van der Spek (NL), supervisor, learning-supervisor, coach
Teamwork is changing. Besides working in stable teams, many ways of cooperation can be seen in organizations and society: project-teams, communities of practice, learninggroups, groups of interest, international networks and so on. Many professionals are active in several teams or groups and the expectations of cooperation are generally high. Professionals from divers ‘schools’ and professional backgrounds have to work together. A team or group faces at least three questions:
• What is our identity as a team or group?
• Which way of cooperation is suitable for our group or team?
• How can we learn as a team or group from our experiences?
A modern version of Teamsupervision can help teams or groups to do their job in a professional way. The goal of this workshop is to present and to experience a modern way of Teamsupervision.