Workshop: Being moved by diversity

Being moved by diversity – how can we manage it in supervision?

Dr. Eva Nemes (HUN), supervisor, executive and career coach, lecturer supervision course Karoli University Budapest, ANSE board-member

Inese Stankus – Viša (LVA), supervisor, trainer, ANSE board-member.

Introduction of the International ANSE Module ”Dealing with Diversity and Interculturality as a Supervisor”. Participants will acquire a different view on what diversity means, how it affects us, how can we deal with diversity in supervision, and will be more aware of their own sensitive spots on the subject. Through the workshop the Train-the Trainer - Module will be introduced, that was developed by a project-team of ANSE during the Grundtvig Learning Partnership program “Counselling in a Multicultural Europe – A Key Competence within Life Long Learning (2008-2010)”.