Zoe Mol

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Professioneel profiel

I am a student for Coaching and Counselling, and happy to engage with clients free of charge as part of my practice hours

I come from a senior 25 year corporate business background, with a specialism in Marketing in the Technology, Finance and Energy industries. I have an established track record of leading and motivating individuals and large teams, ‘cutting through the noise’ to identify drivers and inhibitors to success, investing in people and building collaborative cultures. I currently coach individuals and teams in business, to help enable them to be the best versions of themselves.

Extra informatie

LVSC beroepsregistratie
Coaching gratis
Counselling gratis
Loopbaancoaching gratis
Teamcoaching gratis
Werkbegeleiding gratis
Executive coaching gratis

Bedrijfsleven Management Productie, techniek en bouw
